El Topo secretley recorded Barry Kirkey APOLIGIZING to him for being a douche on the show. Listen to a Barry Kirkey you rarely ever hear,; the same Barry Kirkey who left those contraversial career ending voicemails trying to sell those image consults to the Casanova Crew.
J The Ripper Show #31!
El Topo
Condor Fob...errr, "Austin"
*El Topo's secretly records a private Barry Kirkey Convo! Cant Miss This Shit!
*Other lairs and thier creepy leaders
*Masterbation Pranks
*Radio Clash is a good man. Megatron gets a sex change operation!
*El Topo's dark and troubled past + his theatre days
*Making Dave Matthews band drink El Topo's urine (cant miss this!)
*Truth about gurus, instructors, and "Sinn" boning fat girls and 5 and 6's
*Deceptive Marketing in Pick Up
*Austin calls in to pick El Topo's brain
*Gigsaw does live street pick up at forever 21 w/ a chick with a BF LOL
*El Topo participates in Fatty Confessional!
and this and MUCH MUCH MORE!
Download here:
First person who can name both songs at the beginning and end of the podcast get a free general admission pass to the Pick Up Artist Summit in Hollywood!
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Hey Midnight, how much money did you end up spending on Pua products?
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Maybe like $40. Bought a copy of
and then a copy of Mystery's new book.
How many hours have you spent working on your shitty forum and show trying to impress virgins?
Looks like gooroo's/instructors are coming out of the woodwork asking to come on the show to play thier own "Barry Kirkey" voicemails/secret recordings as well as email exchanges. Kinda funny how so many people decided to record thier convos with Barry knowing his rep. I just might make it a regular show segment from now on.
I waited nearly 5 months before I released the secret Barry voicemails, and El Topo waited over a year to release his. Looks like others have been saving their recordings for a rainy day...and looks like its gonna start pouring....
Mr. Right Show 3:16
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Thanks dude, I appreciate it. I just asked Nicholaus to be on the show next episode, hopefully he has enough time to do it. We were supposed to do it a few months back but our schedules prevented it.
For you guys who dont know, Nicholaus has some hilarious revenge stories and other pranks he used to do. His appearances on the Kirkey show were some of his best shit.
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Stealing Barry Gurgley's thunder???
All I know is that he joined the Casanova Crew forum and posted his pathetic story and his reason to be involved in the PUA community. He became a power poster and pretty much tracked his whole progress in that shitty forum and now a lot of people look up to him.
I guess....
My guess is that most of his field reports are either false, exaggerated, or the girls are ugly.
Steamroller's HB10 might be everybody's HB5.
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ok but why is he mentioned on this forum? theres plenty of idiot posters but why is he singled out? what thing happened that made him be mentioned here?
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I don't remember exactly.... I think he started some shit back in the old forum (the BKRS forum). It was all about how Casanova Crew was the future and the community or something like that... something really gay that got everyone, including me, worked up.
Then someone managed to get some pictures of this retard up and they were pure comedy gold. PUA Comic did some genius photoshopping and that's how Steamroller became famous over here.
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Can you link these pictures or old threads?